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New Safety Features -- Will They Really Help the People?[]

Hey, all of Dovahkiin! This is Sabaton007. This is my first article, and I hope you like it :)

Markpolner, a Dovahkiin Officer, has recently developed a "new" idea of defense and safety. The device has seemed to become the best thing since sliced bread. It's seen as a revolutionary safety mechanism to some, and a waste of money to others.

It's called a HideyHole. You literally hide in a hole! While jumping on a pressure plate, glass seals the hole over your head to fully secure you. Sounds simple, right? Well, it's not. I've raised 20 Silver for Operation Safety, Mark has made complex lines of redstones throughout the city, and we've even made a mainframe control building, which was once the Dovahkiin Vault. It might just be one of the hardest projects Dovahkiin has ever faced – and the most time-consuming.

Now, you may ask, how does it help Dovahkiin? Well, recently, Mark and I were raided while online by BornaSepic of Badru. We jumped into the HideyHoles and were safe, and the raider couldn't get to us at all. We could even see out the glass to see if he was there, too! I personally think it's the best thing since the wheel, and we should have at least 4 per district. The only flaw I could find was that you can't climb out. You have to teleport to /f home. The enemy could still be out there, and you couldn't climb out of the HideyHole to look. Other than that, the Hideyhole is revolutionary, a masterpiece. I might even install one in my backyard!

  HideyHole: 5/5

-Sabaton007, Dovahkiin Officer

Sidenote: If you'd like to contribute to the cause, send money to Sabaton007 and leave a sign outside the Building Guild saying that you did. Thanks for all the support, Dovahkiin-ers!

AcsesssssSSSSssss Sabaton007's News and Reviews![]

MOST TIME CONSUMING PROJECT WAS AND IS THE CITY WALLS!!! :D And is it the best thing since sliced bread or the wheel because you mentioned both!

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